More About Me
Welcome! My name is Joyce Hewitt, and I'm thrilled you've found your way to my page. As a dedicated Realtor with a passion for helping others, I'm here to make your Real Estate journey an exciting adventure. Whether you're looking to sell, purchase, build, or invest in a home, I'll be with you every step of the way.

With hands-on experience working with new construction builders, I understand the complexity of the process. Choosing the right builder and understanding blueprints can be overwhelming, but I'll guide you through, making sure you're informed and confident in your decisions.

As a native of the beautiful Historic city of St. Augustine, Florida, I've lived along the East coast and have unique insights into what this wonderful area has to offer. From breathtaking beaches to rich history, St. Augustine is truly a one-of-a-kind place to call home. Need help with relocation? I'm your go-to expert!

When I'm not assisting my customers, I enjoy spending quality time with my husband and rescue cats, in our historic home, exploring my creative side with watercolor painting, embracing tranquility through yoga, and discovering the endless beauty of St. Augustine. Let's connect and make your real estate dreams come true!